Get The Navitas
Dashboard App

Take charge of your vehicle with the Navitas Dashboard App. Fine-tune your car's performance, access real-time data, receive timely reminders, and more.

Download the app now!


Setup Your Car

Set your tire size, and axle ratio for accurate speedometer readings. Use the advanced settings  to get the most out of your car.

The Perfect Ride

Use the Dashboard app to tune your speed and acceleration to find the settings that work perfectly for you and your needs.

Secure Using OTF

Set your speed, regen, acceleration, then physically lock your OTF Controller to lock in your changes.

Data Logging

See exactly what your golf car is doing in real time! Save to the cloud and share with your dealer or our support teams.

Ready to dive into the Navitas Dashboard App? Our controllers are good to go and effortless to use straight out of the box. Simply download the app using the links below, create your account, and secure your vehicle to get started. Adjust all your settings to tailor your ride perfectly!

Need assistance? Our instructional video will get you moving!


We have fine-tuned factory settings for our controllers based on data analysis and customer feedback. For a vast majority of the users, aside from the tire size, factory settings meet most application needs.

If you wish to configure your car with advanced settings, learn how to request advanced permissions on the app and make necessary adjustments based on your controller type.

AC Settings  DC Settings